Arte for Art. Moris, in tetum, means Life. Living Art. On February, 1st of 2003, a year after Timor Leste’s Independence, 12 young timorese started an artist community, Arte Moris, from the small house of a Swiss artist and his wife, who wanted to build an art school.
Iha Feveveiru primeiru, 2003 (tinan rihun rua resin tolu), tinan ida depois Timor Leste nia independensia, 12 (sanulu resin rua) joven timor-oan komesa sai komunidade arte ida, bola Arte Moris, husi artista Swiss no nia ferik-oan, nebee mak hakarak harii arte eskola ida, iha sira nia uma fatin.
Originally they wanted to develop their talent and created it just for a small group of friends. Their plan was to give free art classes, and during their first launch, over 200 kids wanted to join. They then took over the old museum.
Primeiru sira hakarak desemvolve sira nia talentu no kria ida nee ba kolega sira iha groupu kiik ida. Sira nia planu nee atu foo klase arte gratuita deit, no durante sira nia loke fo-foun labarik 200 resin mak hakarak tama. I depois sira hela iha museum antigu.
As most Timorese people have lost their families during the occupation, the aim was to use the art form to bring peace to their self and release emotions, difficulties, traumas.
Ba ema timor-oan barak lakon sira nia familia durante okupasaun, objetivu usa arte atu hodi dame ba sira nia an no expresa sira nia emosaun, difikuldade i trauma.
After getting so passionate in creating their art, they realized people in Timor still had a lot emotions they were dealing with. So, they find new ways to use their space to liberate and clear more people, especially all the young people of Timor, helping their free spirit and confidence to flourish.
Depois de kria arte barak loos, sira komesa realiza katak ema timor sei iha emosaun barak neb’e hela ona ho sira lor-loron. Entaun, sira hetan fila fali dalan foun atu usa sira nia fatin atu livre sira nia hanoin husi ema barak tan, espesialmente joven Timor-oan sira, no ajuda sira nia vontade no fiar an atu expresa.
Still worried about globalization, they are moving on from the past, now stronger than ever, they are developing a new generation, a humanity based on creativity. Life goes on after all.
Sei preocupa ho globalisasaun, sira komesa hakat ba oin husi pasadu, agora forsa liu fali uluk, sira desemvolve gerasaun foun ida, humanidade ida baseia ba kriatividade. Moris komesa ba oin da-daun ona.
No matter if one of the Arte Moris community is from East or West side of Timor, the art, the colors are transcending all differences, all human or religious values, and uniting people. At Arte Moris, the community is about freedom of expression: you dress like you like, you believe what you want, you create what you feel, you are what you are.
La importante se komunidade arte moris ida mai husi East ka West timor, tanba arte i kores transedente ema fuan hotu, diferensiasaun hotu, valorizasaun umanu ka religiaun, no unida ema. Iha Arte Moris, komunidade kona ba expresa liberdade: hatais konforme ita nia gosta, ita fiar saida mak ita harakak, ita kria saida mak ita senti, ita boot saida mak ita.
They have tried teaching younger kids but since the leaders themselves are quite young they have difficulties working with a lot of young teens so they usually work with groups of older teenagers.
Uluk sira koko hanorin labarik kiik sira maibe desde xefi sira sei joven hela, sira hasoru difikuldade bainhira servisu ho kiik-oan sira, entaun sira hahu servisu ho ema boot sira iha groupu.
When someone is interested to join the community, people at Arte Moris first make the decision together to invite or not the new artist. Then, during an art workshop, the teachings are based on learning together. This honest and authentic school of life is about teaching each other. There isn’t one way to learn, one way to make art, everyone is bringing their innate knowledge, passion and love. And everyone learn from each other. Trust in each other is key at Arte Moris.
Se ema ruma hakarak tama ba komunidade, ema arte moris foti desisaun hamutuk lai ba convida artista foun ka lae. Hafoin, durante kurso arte nee hanorin baseia ba aprende hamutuk. Nee eskola ba moris iha ba honestidade, realidade, konaba hanorin malu. Laos deit aprende dalan ida, ka kria arte dalan ida, ema hotu hodi sira nia konhesimentu no hadomi. Ema hotu aprende ba malu. Fiar malu nee mak xavi ba Arte Moris.
The government has not yet supported the community but has promised to do so this year with the new elections. As a progressive party, the art communities would be supported. Currently, they are only supported from donations.
Governu la supporta ba komunidade nee maibee promete ona katak sei halo iha elesaun foun iha tinan nee. Ba partidu progresu sira sei supporta arte komunidade hotu. Agora, sira supporta deit husi donasaun.
Arte Moris is targeting mostly kids not going to school, or people who are focused on their lives, their passion rather the passion of others, of families, of universities and businesses. People who value their energy, their expression more than the prizes or results. It’s about the journey and the creation process, not the end itself.
Arte moris sempre buka labarik la eskola, ka ema nebee focus ba sira nia aan no sira nia domin, diak liu domin ba ema seluk, ba familia, ba eskola, ka ba komersia. Ema sira nebee valoriza sira nia enerzia, sira nia expresaun liu fali osan ka resulta. Ida nee kona ba dalan ida no prosesu kriasaun nian, seidauk too rohan.
Often, the process of creating art at Arte Moris gets troubling and emotional. Lots of anger coming in and out, lots of fear or shame, and as these emotions get released, artists feel liberated, cleared, balanced and their art is evolving too. Different colors and emotions such as courage, love or peace then arises.
Dala ruma, prosesu kria arte iha arte moris nee hetan trauma no sai emosional. Hamosu hirus barak nebee sai tama, tauk baraak, moe boot, no waihira emosaun sira nee lakon, artista sira senti livre, igualidade, no sira nia arte evolua mos. Kores foun i emosaun foun, hanesan coragen, domin no dame hafoin mai.
Arte Moris is onto many type of arts; metal sculpting, wood sculpture, murals, paintings, poems, writing, music, dance, tattoos. By time, they also are teaching english, tai chi, capoeira, meditation, yoga with the support of volunteers from all over the world. Arte Moris is about the reunification with the Self through art.
Arte moris halo arte oi-oin; estatua besi, estatua ai, pinta moru, pinta iha papel, poema, hakerek, musika, dansa, tattoo. Dala ruma, sira mos hanorin ingles, tai chi, capoeira, meditasaun no yoga ho voluntario nia supporta hosi mundu tomak. Arte Moris nee kona ba reunificasaun ba Aan rasik liu husi arte.
The amount of artwork to be discovered and appreciated is immense and it is the very fresh expression of Timorese artists after their Independence. You are invited at anytime to visit the historical art community, near the airport of Dili.
Nee quantidade arte atu deskobre i apresia barak, no nee fresku tebes hosi artista timor-oan antes sira nia independensia. Ita konvida beibeik atu visita arte komunidadem, besik Dili aeroportu.
For donations, feel free to visit their site or contact them via whatsapp.
Ba donasaun, senti livre atu visita website ka kontaktu sira via whatsapp.
May the arts transcends more hearts.
Espera arte transedente fuan tan.